This in­no­va­tion re­de­fines lightweight con­struc­tion in aero­space tech­nol­ogy: Carl Hirschmann GmbH from Baden-Würt­tem­berg, in co­op­er­a­tion with Aus­trian com­pany Teufel­berger GmbH, has introduced ex­tremely light Tie Rods (sta­bi­lizer bars) with alu­minum-ti­ta­nium spher­i­cal bear­ings. This com­bi­na­tion of Carl Hirschmann light­weight bear­ings and Teufel­berger Tie-Rods, net­ted of high-ten­sile com­pos­ite fibers, results in a prod­uct de­sign of­fer­ing a large weight re­duc­tion at high load ca­pac­ity.

“Our in­no­va­tion creates the possibility for considerable energy savings in aero­space and con­tributes to an im­proved econ­omies of scale,” as man­ager Rainer Har­ter points out.

Carl Hirschmann is a recognized spe­cial­ist in heavy-duty rod ends and spher­i­cal bear­ings. For more than 50 years, the com­pany has de­vel­oped and man­u­fac­tured trend­set­ting and prac­ti­cal prod­ucts meet­ing the high­est industry stan­dards. With the patent-pending alu­minum-ti­ta­nium spher­i­cal bear­ing, Carl Hirschmann has al­ready made a break­through in au­to­mo­tive rac­ing – a dis­ci­pline where weight re­duc­tion plays a de­ci­sive role. The lightweight spher­i­cal bear­ings reach the same per­for­mance data as stan­dard bear­ing tech­nol­ogy, but at half the weight This innovative bearing technology is also now being successfully applied in the aerospace industry.
Lightweight Aluminum-Titanium Spherical Bearing.

Cooperation with Teufelberger

or this new application, Carl Hirschmann found the ideal partner in the Austrian company Teufelberger, delivering ultralight Tie-Rods as connecting elements between lightweight spherical bearings. For its ultralight Tie Rods, the company located in Wels, uses braiding technology, offering great variance in geometry for components with high requirements along the longitudinal axis. After processing, the preform is injected with resin and the internal core is suspended in a water quench, so that only the hollow inside and extremely resistant stabilizer bar are remaining.

The end pieces for the aluminum-titanium bearings are combined with patented T-IGEL® connections made by Teufelberger, designed in 3D print technology and manufactured in design-compliant titanium. This allows for a load-dependent product design. A special program calculates the individual load profile and the necessary support for the largest forces, resulting in the lowest required material thickness. That is followed by additional postprocessing of the bearing seat to reach exact fitting. Then the spherical bearings, with the HIRSCHMANN defined torque and tilting effect, are pressed into a swaged socket in the outer part and rolled in to guarantee axial protection (lock). To permanently secure the bearing and to guarantee proper functioning, a seal is applied.

The Tie Rods transfer movements and forces optimally, so the gimbal-mounted suspension in aircraft construction offers numerous possible applications for the new HIRSCHMANN products, including in plane doors, to fasten cabin equipment, walls, and luggage racks. The Tie Rods with lightweight spherical bearings are available in variable dimensions for various applications. “At the ILA trade fair, we presented an innovation that gives aerospace developers the possibility to reduce weight under high stability criteria,” underlines Rainer Harter.

ultraleichte Tie-Rod
Ultra lightweight Tie-Rod