Ax­ial shaft seals do not seal ra­di­ally on the shaft, but are in­stalled on the shaft or in a bear­ing seat and pro­vide their seal­ing ef­fect on any hard­ened and ground, ax­ial mat­ing sur­face. For this rea­son, there is no shaft wear. Hard­ened and ground shaft col­lars or ends, as well as counter-ro­tat­ing wash­ers or the un­stamped faces of an­tifric­tion bear­ings, are es­pe­cially well suited as the mat­ing sur­face.

The seal­ing lip is of ta­pered de­sign in or­der to keep hea­tup,wear and fric­tion to a min­i­mum. Its sturdy con­fig­u­ra­tion en­sures proper con­tact.

The pack­ing ring and the ra­dial spring act­ing against the rear of the seal­ing lip en­sure uni­form, vi­bra­tion free pres­sure.
In­ter­nal seal for oil and grease
Axial shaft seal with an internal sealing lip, mainly for use with liquids. The seal usually used in a stationery manner, with a rotating shaft, for example.
Type VI..
Ex­ter­nal seal for grease only
Axial shaft seal with an external sealing lip, for use with grease. It is very good at low peripheral speeds, especially with lapped/mating surfaces. It can also be used with liquids.
Type VA..
In­ter­nal seal for oil and grease
Axial shaft seal with an internal sealing lip, for use with liquids under high pressure.
Type DI..