Automotive:  spherical bearings and rod ends

High performance chassis:
Integrated bearing technology means less weight

From the race track to the street: in de­vel­op­ment and man­u­fac­tur­ing of com­po­nents for race cars and sports cars, Carl Hirschmann has been in the pole po­si­tion for years. Car man­u­fac­tur­ers such as Porsche, Audi, BMW, and Volkswagen trust in the advanced spher­i­cal bear­ing tech­nol­ogy of Carl Hirschmann. In both rac­e cars and sports cars, our tech­nol­ogy has proven it­self many times over.
Weight re­duc­tion is key to ve­hi­cle con­struc­tion, translating to bet­ter ac­cel­er­a­tion val­ues and lower en­ergy con­sump­tion.

Carl Hirschmann contributes to overall weight reduction with spher­i­cal bear­ings that are di­rectly in­te­grated into the cast­ing, forg­ing, or milling part. Examples of this technology in action are the cup and street ver­sion of Porsche 911 GT3 and in 918 Spy­der.

Sup­port­ing and slid­ing ball joints for au­to­mo­tive en­gi­neer­ing

Additional ap­pli­ca­tions are in­te­grated sup­port­ing and slid­ing ball joints, used in the Volkswagen 1-litre XL1 car.

Carl Hirschmann sup­port­ing and slid­ing ball joints are de­signed for high-ra­dial and axial-load trans­mis­sions. A low fric­tion co­ef­fi­cient and a small de­for­ma­tion under load char­ac­ter­ize these bear­ings. These products also feature a low weight and a wider tem­per­a­ture range for use.

All your Bearing Solutions in one place

Carl Hirschmann SPHER­I­CAL BEAR­INGS of­fer pro­ject-based R&D, pro­to­typ­ing, and standard pro­duc­tion with ini­tial sam­pling of a com­plete as­sem­bly unit from one provider, in­clud­ing de­sign and man­u­fac­tur­ing. We develop and pro­duce spher­i­cal bear­ings ac­cord­ing to cus­tomer specifications for advanced rac­e cars. Our close relationship with car man­u­fac­tur­ers and OEMs allows us to also apply that technology to street cars. On base of load spec­trum and geo­met­ri­cal frame data we de­velop the best prod­ucts – ei­ther as rolled-in or as in­te­grated bear­ings. Our de­sign expertise en­sures our cus­tomers get the best pos­si­ble bear­ing tech­nol­ogy.

Fields of Ap­pli­ca­tion for Bear­ing Tech­nol­ogy

  • Sus­pen­sion
  • Sta­bi­liz­ers
  • Steer­ing and gear link­age
  • Strut sus­pen­sion

Char­ac­ter­is­tics of Bear­ing Tech­nol­ogy

  • Large re­duc­tion of weight
  • Torque and tilt­ing mo­ment ad­justable with­out clear­ance
  • Rust-proof and main­te­nance-free rod ends and spher­i­cal bear­ings
  • Seal­ing for ap­pli­ca­tion in street cars
  • Re­sis­tant to vi­bra­tion, shock and tem­per­a­ture

Carl Hirschmann rod ends and spherical bearings in the Porsche Carrera GT

Innovation in lightweight construction: Aluminum-Titanium spherical bearings in automotive racing

Aluminum-Titanium lightweight bearings reach the same performance data as standard bearing technology, but with one important difference: a weight reduction of about 50 percent. This innovative development features a high-tensile outer part of aluminum, an inner ring of titanium, and a special Carl Hirschmann PTFE-liner with a supporting fabric of stainless-steel. The Aluminum-Titanium lightweight bearing is available in multiple sizes as a standard product, and as a customized solution.
For low friction applications, our spherical bearings can be equipped with integrated rolling contact bearings.
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