Andreas Jesek, Horst Schneider, Rainer Harter (TIF; 5,6 MB)
Download (JPG; 2,5 MB)
1 = Detail leitfähige Mikrobürsten
Headquarters of Carl Hirschmann GmbH in Flourn-Winzeln (JPG; 1,02 MB)
Braider with robot (JPG; 1,74 MB)
Lightweight Aluminium-Titanium Spherical Bearing (JPG; 170 KB)
Inner ring of Titanium (JPG; 76 KB)
Ultra lightweigth Tie Rod (JPG; 1,04 MB)
Ultra lightweigth Tie Rod CAD (JPG; 671 KB)
Rainer Harter, CTO Hirschmann Group (JPG; 3,13 MB)