Ide­ally, ro­tary in­dex­ing ta­bles are con­trolled by the ma­chine con­trol sys­tem, which has fol­low­ing ad­van­tages:

  • In­te­grated pro­gram­ming con­trol sys­tem
  • In­ter­po­lated po­si­tion­ing (turn while burn)

If in­te­gra­tion to the ma­chine con­trol is not pos­si­ble (no free axis), the ro­tary in­dex­ing table can be con­trolled by the Carl Hirschmann con­trol sys­tem FJR1625 which com­mu­ni­cates with ma­chine con­trol via a par­al­lel in­ter­face (M-code). NC pro­gram for the ro­tary in­dex­ing table is pro­grammed in the FJR1625 con­trol sys­tem. Con­tin­u­ous path con­trol, (turn while burn) is not pos­si­ble.

Po­si­tion­ing Con­trol Sys­tem FJR1625 for Ro­tary In­dex­ing Ta­bles and Ro­tat­ing or In­dex­ing Spin­dles

  • 7" touch display with lightning switch off
  • Communication with the machine by M-Code (handshake)
  • Program transmission by FTP server (external programming station)


Op­er­at­ing Volt­age

Di­men­sions [Wx­LxH]


Steuerung_H1625_AC5Neue_Steuerung_Z.jpg FJR1625.AC5 230V 50/60Hz 485x380x230mm Ro­tary In­dex­ing Ta­bles, Ro­tat­ing or In­dex­ing Spin­dles

Speed Con­trol FJR1680 for Ro­tat­ing Spin­dles FJR80ACxxx

  • start/stop con­trolled by ma­chine (M-Code)
  • speed reg­u­la­tion range 0 - 1500 min -1


Op­er­at­ing Volt­age

Di­men­sions [WxLxH]


Steuerung_H1680_AC4 FJR1680.AC5 230V 50/60Hz 320x360x230mm FJR80ACxxx